Project i2M - FCDO and RISA Representatives Visit ITMO-UNILAG

 · 2 min read

L-R: Engr. David Alozie (Director Innovation, Project i2M); Dr. Gbenga-Ilori (Ag. Director ITMO and Project Director, Project i2M); Alice Omisore (Technical Country Lead RISA-FUND); Melissa Keery (Secretary to DG, EST FCDO); Oluwasegun Adetunde(Innovation Advisor, FCDO); Kumar Iyer (DG EST, FCDO), Prof. Ogunsola (VC UNILAG);  Prof. Ayo Atsenuwa DVC (DS), Prof. Bola Oboh ( DVC A&R); and Prof. Yetunde Zaid (University Librarian);

In a momentous visit, the Director-General Economics, Science and Technology (EST) at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) paid a scheduled visit to our office, Innovation and Technology Management Office, University of Lagos on October 5th, 2023. This visit was significant as the FCDO is the principal funder for Project Innovation to Market (I2M) through the Research and Innovation Systems for Africa (RISA).

The Vice-Chancellor warmly welcomed the distinguished guests in her office, including other members of the University of Lagos management team. They discussed the impact of Project Innovation to Market on the Research and Innovation Ecosystem in Nigeria and the milestones achieved by the project. The presence of the FCDO and RISA team was a testament to the recognition and support that Project Innovation to Market has garnered on a global scale.

The FCDO and RISA representatives had the opportunity to explore and experience firsthand some of the groundbreaking innovation projects developed by some selected beneficiaries of Project Innovation to Market at the Innovation and Technology Management Office at the University of Lagos. The displayed innovations showcased the remarkable contributions of the program to the research and innovation ecosystem, technological advancement, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development.

This visit not only served as a platform to highlight the achievements of Project Innovation to Market but also facilitated valuable interactions and discussions on potential future collaborations and opportunities for further growth and impact.

We sincerely thank the DG EST at FCDO and his team, and the RISA delegation for their visit and continued support. We are honoured by their commitment to fostering innovation and knowledge transfer in our community and beyond.

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